Saturday, October 11, 2008

Remix Culture

I am at the Free Culture 2008 Conference at UC Berkeley. After coming off of working on Lessig's Remix, interesting to hear the perspectives involved in Remix culture.

Panel 1: Remix: An Ethnomusicological View

Mark Perhlman

**Remix has more meanings that one.

**Star Spangled Banner melody was from an 18th Century English Drinking song.

DJ Ripley

**Distinctive nature of Baltimore Club music, picking up on what has been remixed to produce the songs (A little of The Police at 11:32 a.m., the Spiderman theme song, and disco--Also, It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right)

**Dance Hall music

Much of our popular music calls on common history.

Dance party tonight--working demonstration.

Anthony Falzone--Fair Use Project, SLS

Protecting Fair Use..right on!

When and how you can use existing works to create new ones...Campbell v. Acuff Rose--2 Live Crew case

"Might not be an 'aesthetic improvement' over the original song"--case focused on what YOU actually did with the copyrighted work--Ah, yes, was it TRANSFORMATIVE.--2 Live Crew as a Parody

No answer to the sampling question yet--> law is moving in the right direction, law can be pushed to a place where a right to use music to make new music will be embraced

Got to push FAIR USE!

Even Biggie got sued...Bad Boy built on unlicensed samples. Nobody argued Fair Use. "Combs dropped the ball, he did not pick up the fight."

"We don't know if fair use works because no one has picked up the fight."

Fair Use Victories

Tom Forsythe--Barbies and Fair Use

Jeff Koons--Niagara--borrowed one of the pairs of feet which appeared in Allure...Gucci sandals...How I loved Art Law! (Court focused on transformation, OK for Koons to use the photo)

Parallels to Remix with Music...Got to bring this into music remix.

Global Lives Project

Background Music in Documentary Films

Global network of collaborators based on Creative Commons licenses

The issue is using music as the background music for a non-profit documentary.

United Nations University has a Media Studio--


Whether Girl/Talk is fair use or illegal art?

Falzone-hard to translate literary and artistic paradigms to music

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