Thursday, February 7, 2008

Drop It Like It's Hot

As candidates continue to drop out of the presidential race, I have to appreciate the strategy of the graceful “bow out.” Amidst claims of “taking one for the party,” let’s look at the reality: dropping out of the race at this stage is essentially putting in a bid for a V.P. spot.

Both Edwards and Romney are positioning themselves as the “go to” guys. Edwards is likely in a better position to be a viable running mate, as either Clinton or Obama would pick him up. Romney, on the other hand, dropped out when it was still a four-man race in the eyes of many Republicans and Libertarians. Voter results may not be indicative of this sentiment, but each candidate, namely Huckabee and Paul, have their cadre of followers who are not ready to give up, evidenced by Huckabee’s Super Tuesday wins and Paul’s fundraising success.

Before you “drop it like it’s hot,” remembers donkeys and elephants are different animals.

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